Thoughts on psychedelic drug use?

I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately as it has had an impact on me. My boyfriend has tried a cornucopia of substances in this past. Long before I knew him, but he told me all about how he straightened up and the only things he does anymore is smoke cigarettes and drink beer. Fine with me. Slowly, he started smoking weed more often, then stopped. Then started again. In my state it’s legal medically but not recreationally. So a bit past my comfort zone, but whatever. Recently, he told me that he had eaten magic mushrooms with his brother and his gf. I flew off the handle. I don’t want to date a drug addict. But how do I determine what is a problem and what isn’t? How often is it okay to drink excessively without being labeled an alcoholic? I’m so torn. It’s been tearing me up inside. “At least it’s not cocaine, meth, heroin or crack. At least it’s just weed and mushrooms.” “I’m really stressed out starting up my business,” “I wouldn’t do mushrooms again.”

Where do I draw the line? What do I do when my line is drawn? 😢

I hate to sound like one of these young girls asking if it’s okay to be beaten, I’m not being physically abused, that’s why I’m anon for now. I’m just upset.

Edit: I am not calling him a drug addict over one experience with mushrooms. But 6 years ago, before I met him he literally used to abuse heroin, coke, drink cough syrup, rubbing alcohol, mushrooms, weed and the works. I’m upset because I am very scared of it trickling back into his life by his increased usage of some of the less serious substances. I don’t trust addiction. And I don’t know if I could live with it if it trickled back in and affected my life with my partner. He doesn’t just smoke weed every so often like he used to now. It’s daily. And mushrooms are an additional substance he used to do frequently back when he had these problems.