My mom is so selfish!!

First off, I’m 25 & just now realizing how truly selfish my mom is. I’ve always felt the need to please her or do things her way so she wouldn’t get upset. I’ve never really stood up to her, but I’m at my breaking point. Don’t get me wrong, she’s my best friend & I love her to death.. but here’s some background stories.. tell me if you agree.

Easter weekend, I took my kids an hour away to go see their dad. We’re not together & we barely get along but I knew my kids would want to see him. Easter Day, I was going to drive back home & visit with my family bc my mom always cooks. The day we get up to their dads house, my daughter has a fever of 103 & is throwing up (she’ll be 2 next month). So, I told him if her temp was still up, I’d take her to the ER tomorrow (Easter day). We get up, she’s still running a temp of 103 & still throwing up. So I take her. But before that, my mom FaceTimed & noticed we weren’t home. When we got off FaceTime, this is what she sent:

The second part (April 22) when she asks who I was telling our business to.. I told my aunt about it & told her how I thought it was selfish she was putting her own wants/needs before my sick child & my sister overheard & went back & told her.

So we got over it.. now fast forward to this week. My brother & his gf moved in with my mom so they could save up for a house. They are expecting and we’re having a gender reveal Sunday. Well, my brothers gf (Allison from the texts) had a gender appointment yesterday. All week, my mom had been saying that she was going to look when the lady shows the parts. I was immediately pissed bc 1) it’s not her child, & 2) it’s as if she wants to know so she can feel important that she knows & no one else does.. so my brother says no you’re not or you just won’t go. So anyway, my mom ends up going with Allison. I pick Allison up today to run somewhere & she’s like I’m so pissed. Your mom knows & told me what it was. She didn’t close her eyes when the lady asked us to & when we got to the lobby, she said the gender was a color in this room & looked directly at something blue.

When she told me this, I wanted to text my mom & cuss her out. Not only did she do this to them, RUINING the gender reveal, but she also TRIED to do the same thing when I wanted a gender reveal for my daughter. I’m pissed for them! I don’t understand why she is the way she is. Not sure if it’s self-esteem issues or depression, but it’s as if she needs to be the center of attention! She even went & told our sister the gender. So now, we’re basically having this party Sunday for other people to find out. Not my brother & Allison who were so excited. Am I wrong to think this or am I overreacting?!