My marriage is over

So, I’m 26 years old, been in a relationship for 5 years and we’ve been married for 3. We have 2 kids together and recently moved into our first apartment together. We also paid off over half our debt and paid off the car.... everything was going great... or so i thought. We weren’t doing great beforehand but we though it was the stress of living with toxic family members and needed our own space. Things were great for the first month or so... then we started fighting over stupid stuff... but they always escalated into screaming matches and threats of divorce. We always made up though. Things started getting difficult when we hit a snag in the custody case of my oldest and her dad... we hadn’t gotten proper permission before moving and her dad was refusing to make the extra commute to come pick her up. The judge ruled that we were responsible for getting her to and from her dads house for all his visitation days... by car. Seeing as i don’t have my license yet we tried to get family members to help out but nobody could consistently do it on all the days we my husband drove most of the time and put Uber’s on credit card when he couldnt. He was able to do most morning dropoffs and even picked us up from my parents house after he got off work at midnight and drove us home so we wouldn’t have to pay the Uber fee of 70 bucks per trip. We settled into the routine and decided to do therapy to work on us. We did one session... the week that followed was the most amazing week we’d had in years, honeymoon phase all over again. Then one night while picking us up he started falling asleep at the wheel... i tried to hold in my anger but he kept asking what was wrong until i blew up at him yelling at him for endangering our kids lives. He yelled back saying nothing he did was ever good enough and this was it, he was done with my shit and wanted a divorce. I thought he’d calm down by the morning. But he didn’t. Refused to go to the therapy session with me, said he was done and no more. I gave him space, time to think... but he didn’t change his mind. Told me he’s tried for so long but he couldn’t deal with me anymore and as soon as he was able to he’d divorce me. I cried. Begged him to give us another chance, that I’d be better, we could fix this, that i loved him so much. He was unmoved and moved his things to the couch. The next day he was normal again. Laughing and joking around and soon we started sleeping together again. He was insistent on the divorce still. I thought if i just waited, he’d see how good together we were and how much i loved him, and he’d realize he loved me too. He still slept on the couch though. Kept telling me he didn’t want me and we were through and he couldn’t wait to be done with me. I still held out hope because we were still having sex and he would tell me he loved me and everything. Then one night he got super shitfaced. Came into me and then fell asleep. I tried to wake him to set his work alarm but he didn’t budge.. so i used his finger to open his phone and set his alarm. Then for some reason i checked his messages. And i found it. A convo spanning weeks of setting and flirting and referencing them having sex... him calling her my pet names and telling her he missed her... wanted her ass on his face and sending her dick pics on Snapchat. Crushed doesn’t begin to cover it. I screenshot them and sent them to myself then woke him up screaming telling him to get out. His ass was still drunk and tried to say they were just friends. I lost it, grabbed his ring and stormed out before realizing i had nowhere to go. Called his best friend crying and explained the situation, showed her the screenshots. She texted him calling him a dick. He came into my room and told me everything. She was married too. He told me it meant nothing, i was better than her and he regretted it so much

This is getting too long so I’ll do another one