16DPO HCG 863


Okay, so according to Glow I’m 5 weeks 2 days, I had a chemical last month, I O cd21 which was April 17, and I got a faint HPT Frer at 8dpo on 4/24.

I went in today due to cramping, and burning sensation on my right side, other than that I have no symptoms of pregnancy. They did and ultrasound and showed nothing but thick uterine lining. Also a complex cyst on my right ovary, and did labs. I follow up on Monday with labs to check doubling time, and ultrasound to see if anything shows. I’m freaking out?!? Other apps say I’m 4 weeks 4 days pregnant, and I know with this hcg we shouldn’t see anything until it reaches Atleast 1200-2000.... I’m just freaking out bc some say you should Atleast see a sac?!? Any helpful input?!? Please I’m freaking out.