Boy or girl genetic test is it a possibility it can be wrong


Got my blood work done and didn’t know they did a genetic test to tell me will I have a boy or a girl so my doctor calls and was like did I tell you your genetic results I’m like no I didnt even know what that was I thought it was to tell if your little one will have any abnormalities so she’s like it’s a girl I’m looking like 😲😯☺️ lol we was hoping to even it up 3 girls 3 boys but if it’s right I will have 4 girls and 2 boys I’m grateful for anyone I just gave birth oct10 to my 3rd baby girl now I will be having another baby I literally just found out I was pregnant again I had no symptoms but I was on the pill so didn’t pay much to my period but I am 22 weeks half way through smh 🤦‍♀️ lol almost to the finish line