Kaiser Gender Ultrasound

Jaimee • Nurse 💉, wife and mommy to two beautiful boys ages 4 and 10 months. Currently TTC baby #3.

I’m not sure what group I should be posting this in, but I went ahead and chose “General Pregnancy”.

I have a Question for those who have Kaiser.

At what week did they schedule your gender ultrasound? My OB and midwife both told me that the next time I would see my baby is at the gender ultrasound which would be at or around 20 weeks...depending on availability. When I went to schedule my appointment with the scheduling nurse she told me that my gender ultrasound wouldn’t be till 24 weeks.

Just wondering if I should bring this up to my midwife at my 16 week appointment or if I should just schedule a private ultrasound...since I’m not sure I can wait till mid July!