Ovulation all over the place!


So I've been TTC since December 2018 and started using OPK in Jan.

Tracking with Glow show that I have an average cycle of 35 days (it was a solid, foolproof 28 day cycle when I was in my late teens before 10+ years of birth control pills). I'm supposed to ovulate on CD24 but the only actual peak I got was on CD20.

Every other time my "high" has lasted from CD17 and kept on flashing on CD26 at which point I've stopped testing.

I started using cheapies as well as CBA after the only month I got a peak and have never got a positive from them. I had absolutely no second line for the entire time until CD 25 & 26 when I'd get a feint line which disappeared by CD 28.

A feint line is apparently a negative but could it be that I'm just ovulating late and that I naturally don't have a high level of LH? Should I continue to test past CD26 with CBA? (They're so expensive and you have to start using them before the high fertility to detect the change in levels!)

Should I see a fertility specialist? I'm approaching 33 and don't want to waste my time trying naturally if my body isn't making it easy!

Edit: I don't know if either of these things mean anything or not but thought I'd mention it. When I was 16 I had a termination.. When I was 17 I went to hospital with suspected appendicitis due to a lot of pain in that area. I had surgery and it turned out to just be an ovarian cyst that had burst and it wasn't a necessary operation. They told me it was normal and that every woman gets cysts.

Edit 2: BBT tests is not a realistic option for me at this point as I work in hospitality and work a wide range of shifts. Sometimes I get up at 5am and other times at 12pm.