Stay at home moms and shedule??


Baby is 6 weeks old

I need a run down of your shedule with baby. I'm realizing that my shedule is probably all wrong and maybe that's why baby isnt sleeping well.

Our day kinda starts around 5:30

Hubby leaves for work around 6 so me and babe head for the living room.

Its mostly dark while I watch TV for about an hour and eat breakfast while little one eats.

We both fall back asleep until around 9.

I open blinds to let natural light in. He eats again. We change diapers. And I put him in his swing. Hes entertained by that for awhile then falls asleep in it.

He naps, I relax or get things done around the house.

From then on, I kind of let him make the shedule. He sleeps when he wants and eats when he wants 😖😓 no time limits or anything..

We head to bed around 9. It takes him an hour to go to sleep usually with the help of swaddling and white noise. Its dark with the exception of a night light I use to feed him at night.

He wakes every 2 hours or 2.5 hours

Last night for some reason he woke every hour!! So today we start a shedule. He will he 7 weeks old Tuesday. Going to try to follow this shedule for now then move on to the one fir the older age group once we get this started roughly. Any more suggestions??