6 weeks


My story!

So I found out that I was pregnant on April 21st and on the Friday I started to spot so I went straight to the hospital and they checked my blood and my HCG level was at 1:14 then she told me to come back on the Monday to do another blood test which I did and it was at 78 so I thought for sure like my chances are low then I went back on Wednesday this week and my HCG level went up to 1:40 I didn't ultrasound they weren't able to see anything because they told me that I was still early and to come back on Friday which I did so I went yesterday and took another blood test for my HCG and the level was at 363 so I started to like become a little bit more happier I had to do another ultrasound which again they weren't able to find anything and they did a vaginal ultrasound they weren't able to find anything neither they told me that I was probably too early and these things do happen and it is normal to make a long story short I been going to the hospital five times now to take blood test and she told me that I could either be having an ectopic pregnancy which I really hope I'm not going to have all though they are seeing me every two days so I am being monitored so at least that but I am just praying to God that everything turns out okay and that they do see something maybe later on when I am maybe about 7 weeks or maybe eight weeks pregnant because apparently it is normal not to see anything right now but anyways I'm just crossing my fingers and praying to the Lord this is my first pregnancy so I do have hope but I don't want to get my hopes up too much. 🙏💕 I have been cramping on the left side of my stomach here and there sometimes I get sharp pains sometimes I don't get any pains that comes and goes and the spotting will I haven't spotted it's two days except for this morning I did feel wetness down there and as I went to go wipe there was a bit of blood but I don't have anything on my pad I'm not bleeding a lot it's only when I wipe so I'm not too worried about it but still I'm being followed. Thank god. I read a lot of stories of people telling me that throughout their whole pregnancy they have cramping and spotting so maybe this is just me freaking out for nothing but this is something that I have to keep in mind because it could be dangerous so if any of you are in the same boat as me right now you can always leave me your advice and your comments I would really appreciate it thank you so much for all your support🙏❤️❤️❤️