Could I still be pregnant? (When to test?)

I need advice, badly.

Please don't skim


I took an OPK right after my period and was ovulating where I FIRST circled.

So, this app's prediction is off for this month: please ignore.

Again, what's circled RIGHT after my period is when I ovulated.

What's circled ((second)) is where I just had like a medium period.. I've ended it today but it started off as spotting then becoming a full blown bleeding. 💢❣

{This has never happened before.}

No uterine lining but at first there was tiny tiny clots. Then just straight blood!!!!😰 BUT! I'm only having light back pain and the light cramping has gone away.

What is going on with my body 😭😭😭

Is there still a chance of me having conceived?

When could I test since the bleeding has stopped?