Possible food poisoning at 9 weeks


So today I got lunch at a place I’ve been eating at for yearssss. I always get the same thing. A chicken salad sandwich with lettuce and a side of Mac and cheese bc why not lol I came home and ate every last bit of it all and it was delicious. About 15 minutes later I started having severe stomach pains and ran to the bathroom. I had diarrhea and the whole time I also felt like I was going to throw up. Sure enough 5 minutes later the whole lunch came up. I tried laying down but the stomach pains wouldn’t go away. I ended up having diarrhea 3 more times. I legit felt like I was dying. Only thing I can think of is food poisoning and I’m scared bc not sure if that can harm the baby?? I slept for 2 hours and am feeling better now but curious if I should go to the dr about this or just take it easy for the next day since I’m feeling better already? I’m drinking lots of water as to not get dehydrated but any advice would be appreciated!