Advice on anything u think when reading this

My boyfriend and I have been in a rocky but steady relationship. Sex is great, communication is like every other couple that talks about there feelings but sometimes it’s too hard to even say how our day has been. But my boyfriend and I have been gettin overwhelmed with each others presents and it’s been getting a little hard to see the good in us sometimes. And we don’t know how to manage it. We talked about how we both need alone time and how we need to stop being with each other 24/7. And he’s tells me he loves me and he wants to be with me but sometimes he doesn’t know if hes mentally willing to keep going because of certain situations (not dealing with me). And I have thought about that too but we really do love each other and want to work it out. But I don’t know how to handle it because it hurts to hear him say he might not be able to be what I need. And how he does certain thing just hurts sometimes. But we want it to work. We both know that we are in some what of a honeymoon phase and how we phase in and out of it.

Is it normal to want space in a relationship?

And how do we manage to space the alone time out, with out drifting apart?