My mother in law ruined our baby shower.

Our shower was perfect. From the food to the decorations and everything in between. All of our family and closest friends were there. Laughing, having an amazing time. Than all hell broke loose. My mother in law came to the table where my husband and I were eating and said people were wanting to know when we were opening gifts because they needed to leave. Well, jokingly I said “let them leave then.” And laughed about it. She storms off then comes back again blessing my husband out in front of all of our friends and family. He got up and followed her and asked “why are you doing this? Here and now?” Meanwhile, typically I got upset as I’m 9 months pregnant and went to the bathroom. As I’m sitting in the bathroom crying my eyes out because she just embarrassed us, she comes in and proceeds to scream, yell and cuss at me. What all she was saying? I couldn’t even tell you. My mom, aunt and best friend came in and had to physically push her out of the bathroom to get her to stop. Meanwhile I’m having an anxiety attack, shaking so bad I can’t stand up. And then she claimed my family assaulted her by pushing her out of the bathroom and threatens to call the cops and have us all kicked out of the church. Yes, we are in a church. But, not before her true feelings about me comes out, she tells me that her son is only with me because he feels like has has to be and that she feels sorry for him because he’s married to me. Then continued to show out while all of our guests are just sitting there. Still threatening to call the cops on us so my family begins packing all of the food, decorations and gifts up and all of our guests are leaving. Needless to say, I refused to come out of the bathroom out of pure embarrassment and shame. When I finally could walk due to my shaky legs, my husband took me to our car to just leave but not before she stops us on the sidewalk and tries to apologize. But it’s too late. The day is already completely ruined. What started out as one of the most beautiful days turned into one of the worst I’ve ever had.