A bump on a log

My husband is literally the laziest person I've ever met, he can drag his feet about ANYTHING. I'll ask him to take our son outside to play because I'd like to get some cleaning done plus the toddler needs to run around outside anyways. Well he sits in bed for another 15 mins while the toddler runs around trying to get into everything and anything. Finally I start to get ready to take my son outside but then my husband shows up dressed and says he's taking the toddler outside. He sits on the couch for another 10 mins on his phone ignoring our son. I'm trying to eat something to fight off this nausea while also trying to reason with a 2 year old as to why he can't have 5 cookies at once. My husband comes into the kitchen and I think "yes he's finally taking the baby outside so I can get some alone time and clean". NOPE! He decides that now is the perfect time to clean out the fridge, something he promised to do for me a week ago. I'm at my wits end and even though I wanted nothing more than to release my anxiety into cleaning, I'm currently outside by myself watching my handsome son run around the backyard.