Fed up & need advice on relationship with my bestfriend

So I’ve been best friends with this girl since I was 16 years old, we are both 20 now. so 4 years of a very strong friendship y’all. When she was 17 she found out she was pregnant with this guy she loved and was on & off with, he treated her like shit and decided to not be a father to his child. He talked shit about her he claimed she was a hoe that wasn’t his baby he wanted nothing to do with her and she ended up dropping out of school because of the shit her babydaddy was spreading about her and she couldnt bear to be in school through out her pregnancy. I ended up dropping out as well and I was there for her 24/7. I was there her whole pregnancy, I was buying her things I made sure she was never alone. I was her shoulder to cry on and when she gave birth I was there, not him. I was there to take care of her som for the first year of his life while she worked her ass off to provide for her and her son. I babysat him everyday and I was with her every night after work. He was not in his sons life for her whole pregnancy or first year of his life. They finally started talking again and they agreed to a DNA test which obviously showed he was 100% that babys father. he slowly began to be involved but still treated her like shit. controlled her and for some reason doesnt like me! So now fast forward, my boyfriend and I moved an hour away from where we used to (where she lives) and we are now pregnant as well expecting in July. My bestfriend has moved in with her babydaddy and has been trying to make it work although he still treats her like shit and even lays his hands on her, she wont leave him she loves him. in no way do i want her to choose sides, her family is far more important I understand that she wants it to work out, I do too. But for me to have been there for her through everything and because of him, she cant be here for me? She hasnt been involved hardly. She sneaks around to see me so he doesnt know. I drive an hour to go see her and she wont spend longer than an hour with me because she needs to “get back to him” the orher night they were fighting and me being pregnant and lazy I got out of bed at 8pm and drove an hour to go see her and make sure she was okay. she needed me she said. she said she would be there to hang with me. I get there about 9 something and she stays to hangout til 10:15 before deciding she needs to go back to him.. I drove an hour for her and she could barely give me an hour of her time.. I am fed up and this has been more than a few times. I dont know what to do. I dont wanna lose the friendship but I cant keep choosing her when she wont even choose me once. How do I let this go? I’m so over it.