Light brown spotting after sex.


So I have partial placenta previa and up till now I’ve been okay with no spotting after sex only a few cramps. Which I know is expected especially when getting bigger. Currently 24 weeks goin to be 25 in like 4 days. This morning me and s/o had sex and after I went to go pee and when wiping I had sperm mixed with light brown discharge. I was a little worried but we haven’t had sex in like 4-5 days so I figured maybe just sensitive down there. I did call my obgyn hotline that has 24hrs oncall nurse who you can talk to about non emergency things for your pregnancy. I talked to the nurse and she said it’s probably more so your just sensitive down there and to just keep track if it doesn’t stop or continues to get worse. Along with cramps that are very painful. So far I’ve been fine and I’ve felt baby girl move around. Plus when peeing probably the 20 times after us doing it the spotting lightened up and then disappeared. Should I call my ob tom? I mean I did just go to the dr. This past Monday and everything was fine. Plus I go back 5/28 for my ultra sound to see if my placenta has moved or not.