My birth story ☺️

Victoria • Happily Re-Married Momma of one ❤️

At 3:30 pm May 4th I had my first contraction. Right as my husband was leaving for work. With it being the first one he went ahead to work because my mom was with me anyways. My contractions were awful and were not only in my stomach but awful in my back. I headed to the hospital at 11 at night when my contractions became 5 minutes apart. By the time we got to the hospital it was a little after midnight. I went into labor and delivery and was told that I was dilated to 6. I got an epidural, which took two separate times to do due to the ligaments in my back being so tight. Time went by and at 5 am I begged to start pushing and not even a minute later my water broke. I started pushing and due to not only my heart rate elevating but the baby’s elevating I had to repeatedly stop pushing and be put on oxygen. After pushing again I stated that I couldn’t due it, not knowing that her head was already out and I just had one push left. At 6:09 the morning of May 5th I gave birth to y beautiful baby Madalynn

She is 7 pounds 13 ounces and 20 and a half inches long and she stole me and her daddy’s heart in seconds.