Mommy instincts always follow them ! (Long story)


So on Wednesday May 1st I woke up bleeding & was wondering what was wrong I went to pee & I felt like I peeed forever . But when I wiped I saw bright red blood my head was like this isn’t normal . So I kept an eye on it it was around 5:45 am I said I’m going to call my OB as soon as the clinic opens & she arrives . Around 8:00 am I call still bleeding and she advices me to head to hospital ... I got up showered and left to hospital .. as I am leaving to the hospital I really did not feel my son move he is very very active in the womb . Nothing no movement like regular I arrive to L&D & they do the basic check up & tell me . That baby fluid looked a little low & that they thought my bag had broken so they said they would do the test to make sure & we would proceed from there . Test comes back 4 hours later negative and she re does my ultrasound and tells me fluid looks okay for him to survive . & sends me home the numbers were around 2.22 cm & I clearly remember that a week prior to that at my nst my fluid levels were 5.22 cm so I knew something was wrong & I just felt it in my heart .. but I went home with a heavy heart and I said I have a dr appt with my dr early in the morning I will keep an eye on baby movement and if not I will be getting a 2nd opinion... next day rolls around May 2 I have appt @ 2pm with ob ... I head out have a big lunch my birthday is may7th so mom tells me let’s have a early birthday lunch I agree we go I eat arrive to my appt @ 2 wait for my ob anxiously she walks in and tells me she read the discharges order from the hospital and said everything looked well I showed her pictures of how much I was still bleeding she measured my belly and says let me check the baby fluid level .. she starts ultrasound & says omg how did they send you home baby has no fluid in there .. he has 2 tiny pockets there’s no more need to keep baby in there let’s deliver him now ... my heart started beating so fast . I was scared she said he’s term as of today so there is no need to worry I think he will do great & your absolutely lucky because I will be at the hospital today working from 5pm till next day 5pm I was so happy . That she would be there to deliver my son ... I leave to hospital to start my induction arrive to hospital at 3:45 pm did the whole prep paper signing ... started my induction @ 4cm 50% effaced baby was still high up oxytocin started around 5:00 pm contractions kicked in around 15 mins later slowly monitor was not picking them up baby was having heart rate drops nurse & dr say it’s normal because of the lose of fluid shes very very attentive to him . Around 8 pm I get a check and 5 cm 100 % effaced and keep having heart drops and I’m on oxygen they bump up my pitocin & call so they can rupture my bag . Clean fluid & heart starts dropping again they stop my pitocin install monitors inside now officially having contractions every 30 seconds or so nurse calls dr to tell her that baby heart hasn’t stopped dropping and they have done everything in the book my dr comes in calmly and says let the fluid run in her for about 30 mins keep and eye on baby if nothing changes we will c section ... she said let’s check her and see were she’s this around 11:45 pm I’m a 6 maybe a 7 and I tell her I have pressure she said if it gets intense have them call us back it might be time okay . Let me tell I started telling them i have pressure 11:50 and she’s like let me check sure enough I was an 8 and she can feel baby she like give me one good push to see if I can stretch you to a 10 to get this on a roll . Sure enough one good push & im ready a 10 .. 12.10am may 3 I get prepped start my pushes & 4 pushes later my son was born with cord around his neck may 3 @12:13 am

@ 5 pound 11 ounces no complications after being scared that I would maybe need a c section he came out stronger then ever peed & popped on doctor as soon as he was born best feeling in the world . .. that I followed my mother instincts what would of happened if I would of allowed what the other dr told me and would of stayed home and not went to check on him he could of maybe died my heart was so full that I was able to deliver him healthy & strong . Lady’s please follow your mommy instincts ...

Day 1

Day 2

& going home