Overreacting? Is my baby ok? Pleaaase read

Starr • 💗

16+3 and I’ve been feeling movement since 14 weeks. At first it was just little flutter but now it’s definitely kicks and to the point where it’s painful..? Normally I get really exited but today I feel it’s a bit excessive?

2 days ago I was getting some pretty bad cramping on my left side. Usually I’m very in tune and can pin point exactlywhere and how things are but I have no idea how to explain it. It was like pain right under my skin over my uterus ?? Then it moved to my right side also.. Almost went to the hospital but my mom said I was just worrying too much so I just went to bed.

Been getting cramping but nothing as bad as it was that day. Everyday she moves more and more now? And it’s stronger and stronger? At first I thought I was just lucky to be able to experience this so early with my first pregnancy but i was laying down recording her moving and ended up stopping before she did. Then just turned over to my side and got on my phone then realized an hour had past and she’s STILLLLL active. Right now I feel like she might actually be in distress? I just don’t know if that’s really a thing right now.

Should I be worried about too much movement? Also I know bleeding is a sure sign to go in paired with cramping but when is cramping alone enough? What types of pains/cramps should I really be worried with.

Very young first time mom so I feel like I worry over every little thing..

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