(Erotica) A Dominant.

I press my finger against your lips, tracing them softly. Your hands encasing my waist as you curiously try to meet my gaze. Smiling gently, I nip your ear before pushing you back on the bed. “Stay… Wait.” Your eyes narrow in humour as you see the mischievous glint in my eye I’m trying so hard to contain. I turn and walk into our ensuite before I allow you to give me a reaction.

Sliding the door shut I allow the nervousness to sweep through my being, spying the box that contained my extravagant spending today I quickly slip out of my day clothes. I raise the lid and spy the first piece. My hands slide amongst the lace as an apprehensive giggle escapes my mouth. Dressing myself in the sheer black fabric I step to look at my reflection. The thong is small, with a split which allows for easy access, the bra is a push-up - but barely holds the bust of my tits. A garter connects the thigh high fishnets to my panties and my legs hold their athletic shape fantastically, the 5 inch heels defining every curve. Avoiding my reflection’s eyes I bring the last accessory up to my neck, a diamond encrusted collar. Master always insists I wear one. Hastily applying a black smokey eyeshadow and dark red lipstick, I drape the black robe around my body and compose myself.

I catch you lazily reading a book when I finally emerge, clearing my throat I grab your attention. “Sir…” Your eyes devour my body as I let the robe drop, its silken material folding around my feet. Stepping closer to you, I lick my lips seductively and move my body the way you like, all hips. Your growl unlocks the primal animal passion inside me as I gasp in anticipation.

Dropping the book, you stalk toward me as I move back against the wall subconsciously. Your breath wafts over me as your teeth graze my ear, “Just where I wanted you.” Closing my eyes I relax into your touch as your hands claim every crevice they explore. You grip my chin roughly and raise it to your eyes. “Someone wants attention, hmm? My whore craves my touch?” I feel your grip tighten around my throat then softly finger the collar. “I didn’t get you this” You break off as you simply trace my cheek, “You are beautiful…” My heart fluttered as I saw the love burn in your eyes, the sort that goes for an eternity. Blinking sharply the corner of your mouth twists up in a smirk, “More beautiful when you’re tied up though” Roughly gripping my shoulders you spin me around and press me against the wall, my chest pressing further into it with each breath. You pull my head back toward you and give me a devilish grin, “Don’t move.” Shoving yourself away from me, I hear you ravening through containers as my body shudders in excitement.

The rough texture of rope surrounds my wrists as you trap them behind my back. “And now, my princess… Im going to use you…” A wicked smile splits your face just before you encase me in darkness. The blindfold secured tightly around my eyes, as you finish your sentence. “I’m going to break you.” Heat radiates from the spot where your lips touch my neck, quickly spreading through the rest of me. I reach up to touch you before groaning with the realisation I can’t, a chuckle comes in response. I tense at the sudden pressure around my neck as you begin to choke me, “You are helpless” I feel your smile through the words.

Your hands run through my long hair as you pull me into your chest, I whimper in need as your hands trail down my back and onto my ass. Slapping it roughly you bark out "Kneel" as I quickly drop to my knees with a gasp. "If you're going to dress like a whore you're going to act like a whore" Undoing your jeans, your hand tangles in my hair as you place my lips against your cocks head, "Suck."

My lips curl into a smile as I slowly begin to breathe my way down your dick. Teasing it into rising for me. I kiss around the base as a sharp moan escapes my lips. My breath surrounds it as I move back along it. Sticking my tongue out, I allow my saliva to slowly drip off the end and run down your cock before I place a faint kiss on the tip. My tongue follows your length downwards as I coat your cock in my saliva. Moaning, I gradually part my lips over your head, taking you tantalisingly slow. My tongue twirls around on the underside of your head as I trace the rim, painting patterns while I begin to milk you.

Your growl cuts through the air as you tire of my teasing nature. Entwining a handful of my hair in your grip you tug me forward until your cock presses against the back of my throat. “All mine.”

I barely decipher your words as you bury your length in my throat. Gagging at the abrupt movement I tense my body away from you, only to have you thrust into my throat again.

“Just take it.” Your deep voice slicing through the air as you command my very soul. Submitting, I relax into your lust just as you start fucking me. My moans vibrate through your shaft, causing you to let out a subconscious groan. “Fuck you look like such a slut.” As you continue to use me you rip off the blindfold, “I need you to look at me, beg for it with your eyes.”

Blinking at the sudden exposure my eyes rise to meet yours as I moan around your cock, attempting to show how much I want to please you. I could feel my juices begin to soak my panties and my hips grate into the air, attempting to find some sort of friction. Easing yourself inch by inch down my throat, you smirk as you see my tears smudge the mascara. Once buried inside me, you gyrate your hips as my tongue licks the underside of your shaft. Thrusting one more time, I feel as your cock tense before letting your precious seed out, a choked moan escaping your lips. Your eyes meet mine as your hand in my hair slackens and runs through it gently, “I love you more than anything, hermosa.” A small smile softening your features. Realising you’re still buried in my throat you pull out, giving an apologetic chuckle. Gagging abruptly, I gasp for air and regain my composure before finishing the job. My tongue swirls around your shaft as I clean the remaining cum, collecting it on my tongue. Kissing your tip, I slowly open my mouth and show you your seed pooling on my tongue, before allowing you to watch it slide down my throat.