How do you discipline?


Our little guy will be 3 in July and we have really been tested by him lately. He has his moments of being good and listening but it 100% depends on the day, time and circumstance.

My husband and I are really struggling with ways to discipline him at this age as typically the corner doesn’t work for him. We try to put him in the corner and he will usually either come out of the corner, will turn around to face out of the corner, or will laugh. Although I don’t like to do it, there have been several times I’ve had to resort to a light spanking because it seems as though everything else doesn’t work. Honestly, sometimes even the spanking doesn’t phase him.

I am looking for suggestions of others ways or methods of disciplining that may work better for him. I don’t want to keep allowing him to act this way and it be an issue when he gets to school. Also, we don’t want him getting too out of hand with his sister who just turned one. Or for him to ever be in danger because of not listening. Example, continuing to run towards a road when we say stop.

Side note, he does perfect for our babysitter or anyone else who watches him. Most have told me that kids this age act out for the parents and test them more than anyone else.

Any suggestions are welcome!