Hate my job, but can’t leave


I absolutely hate my job and I’m miserable there. I was about to give my notice but then I found out that I’m pregnant and who will hire a pregnant person? Also I need to be working for a year to get maternity leave. So now I’m at this job where I get yelled at over the phone by customers, exhausted, nauseous, sore, can’t focus. I haven’t told my manager yet since I’m only a month in my pregnancy. Sometimes I don’t know if I feel sick because of the symptoms or because I hate being there. I was already having issues with hand pain I developed from the job that’s now chronic and I also have fibromyalgia. I’m thinking about telling my manager now about the pregnancy and ask if I can work earlier shifts since my nausea seems to hit after lunch and then that way I can leave earlier and feel like I left early even when I get my 8 hours in. There’s no other option. When I’m further along I know they might give me the option to work from home if the doctor says the office is too stressful and bad for my health. Customer service jobs and pregnancy do not go well together that’s for sure.