First pregnancy


Okay so im completely new to this. ive been around mothers and children my whole life, I was even studying to be a midwife when I was 15. Its not the pregnancy or the birth im worried about, its the doctors appointments and all this scheduling! Im hoping maybe some of you can help me keep my head on straight and walk me through this

Im currently 5+1, moved to a new state a few months ago and have no insurance. I called the local obgyn and she said I need a 6 week appointment to confirm the pregnancy and that it would be $100 out of pocket without insurance. She also said I could get a pregnancy confirmation at a local clinic, cancel my appointment I made with them and after I get the confirmation schedule my 8-12 week ultrasound/genetic screening etc.

I found a health center that will test for free (appointment scheduled for next Monday) and she said I can just take that paperwork into my next OB appointment.

How soon after my conformation test do I need to scheduel my 8-12? Do I just say "yeah I have the paperwork, got the test done at [x location] lets scheduel my 8 week appointment"? Is it that easy or am I being naive.