Two year old fell and landed on her face 😥


A couple of days ago my husband and daughter were playing while I was in the shower (of course)

And from what my husband told me he was flipping her over his shoulder , he’s done this lots with her but this time she started to slip and he went to catch her but pushed her accidentally instead (not really sure how) and she face dove into the floor, had a huge gash in her bottom lip and her top front tooth was hit really hard. After some screaming and crying (that I thought was a tantrum from being put in time out) they eventually came to tell me what happened. My poor husband was literally shaking, and I knew instantly that this was little and that we needed to rush to the hospital.

Anyways long story short, went to the hospital (thankful to live in Canada with free health care) there was no wait time, they got us looked at right away, we didn’t wait long at all. The dr looked at her lip and decided he needed to do stitches, she had bit right through her lip😣 her entire right side of her face was starting to swell as well. After she was sedated (worst part for me I think)

I asked a couple times about her getting X-rays, they initially didn’t want to because it’s really difficult for kids to have an X-ray done especially after being sedated but I asked and suggested that maybe they could do one laying down, so they did. My girl was so good through that partly cause she was still waking up.

Here we are 2 days after the accident. She has antibiotics to avoid infection, she can hardly open her mouth, she’s just starting to feel comfortable putting food in her mouth again, and her face is still so swollen. Waiting to hear back about her xrays.

This is the first real injury she has gotten. My husband feels awful and responsible for this. I feel guilty. My girl is a champion and is in great spirits considering everything. I am so afraid her tooth is going to fall out. I know it’s a baby tooth and it could have been so much worse. It’s just hard because she’s my baby and I want her to be okay, and keep all her nice teeth in place. All I can think of is what if something is really wrong, what if she doesn’t heal, what if she’ll never be able to fully open her mouth again.

Anyone else been through something like this? How do you move past all these emotions and go on with your life as normal?