Doctor Harassment


Does anyone else feel harassed by their doctors because you wouldn’t let them induce you? The proceeded to tell me the baby was healthy and tried to force me to get induced on the day my 39th week started and I refused. My body had already started the pre-labor process according to the doctor at the hospital that they sent me to and they monitored me for 3 hours and said that if I didn’t want to do it that I didn’t have to, they also mentioned how odd it was because women usually come in happy to be induced because they’re over being pregnant and how I was the exact opposite because I was determined to just basically let my body do what it does. Since I refused my doctors have set me up for 4 appointments this week alone and have now marked me as being “complicated”.... I’m so over this and I’m just wanting my daughter to be born quickly more so, so the doctors will leave me the heck alone. I literally just broke down in tears because I just cannot and don’t want to have to let the actual beast out because I’ve been so nice to them thus far.