I Need Some Help

Bryanna • First Time Mommy to My Baby Boy

So Me and My Boyfriend recently had our Baby and We Couldn’t Agree on a Last Name So We Hyphenated Both our Last Names. But I’ve realized when his SS Card Came in the Mail It Was Only My Last Name and Not his Dads So I Called My Hospital to Just Take the other name off Since it has been giving me so many other problems like they can’t Find his name in the system, his insurance card doesn’t even have his real name on there but his Footprint paper has his full correct name and They Told Me they Never Put the other name on there anyway that’s why they Can’t Find Him. But that’s not my real problem the problem is How am I going to tell my Boyfriend that his last name isn’t there or going to Be on the birth certificate? We literally argued the whole pregnancy about the name ....