Pain and spotting 12w6d

I'm 12w6d today and while carrying in groceries this morning I had a sharp pain on left side of my uterus for about 15 minutes. It went away but now have a localised pain down there that is constant, mainly when sitting. It's not like period cramps but a fullness dull pain. More uncomfortable than anything. Hard to describe. I also spotted pink discharge. I have spotted the same for a day or two at 4 weeks, 8 weeks and now 12 so I'm assuming it's like that breakthrough bleeding that some people get during the time that they would have a period. I just had a quick ultrasound on Wednesday to hear heartbeat and everything was good. I also already had all my genetic testing done, all normal. So I'm just wondering what this pain is. Maybe I just overdid it? It worries me bc it's not going away like round ligament pain does.