Advice-month after taking morning after pill


Apologies these questions have probably been asked before but I can’t find responses on google.

For the last few months I’ve been taking ovulation tests and plotting my temperature as a way of natural birth control (hormonal birth control messed my body up). Last month we got a little carried away and I ovulated 2 days early-I took the MAP but had already ovulated by that point. I had no side effects from the MAP except a pain in my right side and right on time had a period, a very unusual one but a period nonetheless.

This month I haven’t ovulated, i always ovulate on day 14 - 17 and each month I get the fade in as a nice warning. I’m on cycle day 20 now and nothing, all ovulation tests this month have been a similar shade, all negative (I’ve been doing a morning and an evening test). I’m due on again in 7-9 days, I’m getting over a sickness bug (courtesy of my youngest) so I don’t feel great and my breasts are absolutely killing, they usually start hurting a few days before period comes so this may be a sign of the witch.

As I haven’t ovulated this month should I be expecting to miss a period? Has anyone else failed to ovulate the month after taking MAP? I’d love to hear some real life experiences. Thank you all in advance, xxx