Is this too much planning?

I'm 32 weeks pregnant with our second child. Our first will be 18 months when I have our second. Im starting to organise things now like washing baby clothes organising my house planning childcare for our daughter, I'm even cooking a little extra of each meal to freeze so I dont have to worry about making my daughter a decent meal every day after delivery.

I've got a plan for my daughter if I go into labour in the night and a plan for the daytime. I've written down where things are in my house as I'd like my daughter to be kept in her routine and to sleep in her own bed as shes never slept out. Obviously if they go our in threday that's perfectly fine but I want her home for tea bath and bed and to be in bed at her normal time with the same routine that we use so shes not too confused although she will probably we wondering where we are. I've also written down her routine.

I dont want any confusion or any phone calls to ask questions I just want to be able to go to hospital and give birth knowing I've done every little thing and don't have to worry about her. Both sides of our family are telling me I'm being over the top and I dont need to be so organised because they will all help which I appreciate but I dont want her to be passed around from different family members. I just want to keep things as simple as possible.

Obviously we dont know when I'll go into labour, if I will have a normal birth or c section so I just want to be prepared now for all possibilities and to keep as stress free as possible.