Losing my dad...

Mrs • Happily married, I have 5 kids and currently pregnant with baby #6.

I dont know where else to vent about this but here. I see all these post about their dad's and it just makes me cry because your dad is still here on earth and my dad is up in heaven now. He passed away April 28th,2019 at 7:03pm. I'm so devastated with his loss and don't have much of anyone I can talk to about his loss. I'm trying to be strong for my kids and show no emotions but dang its just so hard. I have cried here and there but as soon as my kids come around I dry up the tears and keep a strong face on. My husband isn't being very supportive about it and I think its only cause he don't the felling. So all he can really do is just tell me its ok. That's all i keep saying im ok just leave me alone. Lately I've been more down and not wanting to do much of anything but sit around and color. I'm currently pregnant with my 5th child and I've been contracting like crazy but no delivering baby yet. I think with losing my dad and trying to be strong for my kids is taking its toll on me with this pregnancy. His rosary is this Wednesday and his burial is Thursday morning. I'm not sure how I am going to pull myself together to go or if I'm going to have baby that day from all that is going on. I just can't believe my dad is gone and I wanted him to meet his grandson so bad. Idk how to cope with any of this and im trying to not go into a depression its so hard. Please any advice on a loss of a parent and being pregnant?