So frustrated

Nicole • 30. Wife. Mama to Kodie+Harlie.

Went into preterm labor on 4/13. Had to go to the hospital multiple times over the last three weeks for meds to stop the contractions, steroids for baby’s lungs, and was put on bedrest and nifedipine at home. Goal was to make it to 36 weeks and then she could come whenever she wanted. Made it to 36 weeks last Thursday and felt nothing until yesterday. Started having contractions every 5 min for 4.5 hours before I finally decided to go to the hospital. I had been dilating consistently up to this point and was up to 3cm 75% effaced at my 36 week appt.

Went to triage and was told I was still only at 3. My contractions didn’t speed up so they sent me home saying there was nothing they could do for me until my cervix dilated more or my water breaks.

After fighting to keep her in for 3 weeks now I get to be miserable waiting for her to come out. Still having contractions every 7-8 min. Have a doc appt tomorrow and curious to see what he says.

Just exhausted and whiny today. 😥