Am I feeding too much?

My baby was suppose to be a January baby but he came just before new year. We struggled with latch for good whole month. He ate really slow. Ate almost whole day for first few weeks. Now the things are better. He is faster compared with what we started with but he still loves to eat for 45 min to 1 hour. Sometimes he’ll nap while feeding. He was at 39percentile at birth and now at 70 🙈 I feed him almost every 3 hours during day and night he goes 5-6 hours stretch and then every 3 hour again. He is ebf and four months 1 week now. Am I feeding him too much? At 3 different occasions old ladies at grocery stores told me my baby is big for 4 month old 😑 I had gestational diabetes and overweight almost whole adulthood so i am concerned .. hubby is 6’ 1” and I am 5’ 8” ..