

My little one just had his first day of daycare. We did a half day so it didn’t t seem so hard. And a family friend runs the infant room, so I trust it. But I can’t help feeling like being separated from him for 40 hours a week is a good plan. I get angry every time I have to pump. And I know I’m fairly privileged as I spent 12 weeks mostly unpaid and was able to do that. It makes the most sense financially, and I think once he’s a little older all the peer interaction will be nice, but honestly I hate this.

I f’in hate it! I was trying to be positive but I got to vent somewhere. I just wish he could go when he’s a bit older. At 3 mths it’s a hard pill too swallow. Many parents at work and other friends have commiserated with me so I feel a kinship in that respect, but then other times I feel so unsupported by society (mainly when I’m in a closet pumping at work instead of working or being with my kid.)