Anniversary Celebrations


Me and my boyfriend’s two year anniversary is coming up this week. He was telling his friends about it (another couple, dating 6ish months) and they asked what he was getting me. He told them “at the moment, nothing. We don’t really do big gifts”. Both of them sat with their mouths wide open and heavily judged him saying that he ought to get me something.

I love anniversary’s, birthdays, christmas, etc. but I’ve never felt I “needed” gifts to celebrate these occasions. I’d much rather a meaningful gift than an expensive one and I’d much rather someone showed how much they cared throughout the year than only putting in effort for one day, if that makes sense?

We were going to go out to dinner/cinema possibly or just spend the day with each other watching a film or two. We both have exams through this month as well so a chill out day wouldn’t hurt and a lot of our other time is taken up with studying.

Anyway, I’m feeling really bad now and that I’m not making the day special enough even though I know myself that I don’t need to.

Was it wrong for his friends to be so judgey? Should I be putting in more effort? Or just let me know your opinions on occasions/holidays/relationships. How do you guys celebrate things with your significant other?