Intense heart pain

I’m kind of concerned and would like to know everyone’s thoughts! I am currently 6W 3d and keep getting this intense heart pain, or left chest pain where I imagine my heart must be. It’s happened at least once or twice a day for the past few weeks (quite a few times in my life before pregnancy) it lasts about 3-5 minutes and i only feel the pain when breathing in. So I have to take very short breaths or I literally cannot take the pain, then it passes on its own.

I know this sounds like obviously go to the doctor.... it’s your heart! but because it has happened quite a few times throughout my life and goes completely away after only a few minutes I’m not sure the level of urgency.??? Has anyone else had this??

Should I go to urgent care now? or bring this up to my doc on the 23rd when I go in for my ultrasound? Is this normal?