I wanna baby 🍼❤️

I know people are going to say you’re young just wait the right man will come along but I want to have a baby myself so I don’t have to go through the break up if we don’t work out and have my child in two different households so if the right man were to come along they should love my child if they were their own

Background information-

•I’m 19

•I’m in college

•I’m working

•I have my own car

•I’m currently looking for a sperm donor through the sperm banks. I found two-three I really like but I’m not sure on which one yet hopefully soon I’ll find the right one.

A question some might ask:

-What if your child wants to know who their father is?

>it’s going to be an open sperm donation so when my child is 18 and wants to talk or meet their father they can. It’s only if my child wants to I’m not going to make them do anything they don’t want to do.

I will update if y’all have questions


Honestly I’m not going to have a baby right now right now I’m going to wait a couple more years plus I still haven’t found the right sperm donor I’m still looking. I want to wait until I’m out of school which is soon. I really want to have everything I need to support my child plus have everything ready like the crib, pampers, clothes (gender neutral until I found out the gender), etc..