I just need to vent.

Let me start off by saying that my husband and I have been ttc for 15 months !!

My nephews pos mother has 4 children. She has custody of none of them. My brother-in-law has custody of my nephew, she has another child, that her sister has custody of, her 3rd child passed away at 26 weeks because she’s a drug addict & did heroin and meth the whole pregnancy because “she didn’t know she was pregnant...” my brother in law also has custody of her 4th child (IDK WHY HE WOULD INVOLVE HIMSELF WITH HER AGAIN?!?!) she overdosed while pregnant with this baby boy when she was 6 months along & it took 5 rounds of narcan to bring her back... this baby now has cerebral Palsy due to the overdose ... she isn’t clean , and continues to sell her body for drugs... today we find out that SHES PREGNANT WITH TWINS... I’m honestly so crushed that I’m bawling my eyes out at work. How is this fair ?! She sneezes & gets pregnant but my husband and I are two stable humans, have our lives together and we struggle ?!? I just don’t understand it at all 💔💔💔