The Little Things


While the “big things” are also important in a relationship, I absolutely love and sincerely appreciate when my husband does the little things. They can be the smallest gestures, but speak the loudest volumes.

Yesterday, I was really excited to go grocery shopping after work. I had seen fresh rhubarb in the produce section the week before and had done a ton of research on vegan rhubarb recipes and I picked 3 that I planned to make throughout the week. Now because rhubarb is a fresh vegetable, I saved it, along with the other fresh stuff, for last. When I got to the fresh produce section, I couldn’t find the rhubarb. I ended up asking an employee for help, only to be told that they didn’t have it. I was crushed and near tears. While this may seem like a bit of an overreaction, let me tell you a couple of things:

1) I have OCD. I spent a lot of time researching recipes and planning my meals for the week, making a list of what I needed, and organizing the list by aisle to make the most efficient trip possible. To have my plan completely fall apart is a hard pill to swallow for me and it’s kind of difficult to explain.

2) I had no plan B. Well actually that’s not true. It’s just that plans B AND C were 2 additional rhubarb recipes and now I have no rhubarb and a cart full of useless ingredients.

3) I just get really fucking excited for rhubarb season, ok?

Well. Today my husband has to work a gig. He does live music production, so gigs typically mean he leaves early, comes home late, and I don’t see him in-between. At about 5:15, I am also working (at home) and he scares the shit out of me when he comes home as a surprise. He pushes the door to the office open and is holding roses. I immediately get the biggest smile on my face because getting flowers is one of my favorite things in the world, but he doesn’t do it often. So him bringing me flowers is huge!! I find out that he had a quick break, so he went to a different grocery store to try and find me some rhubarb, but they ended up not having it either. So even though I had no idea he was even at the store, he still bought me flowers because he understands my OCD and felt bad about the rhubarb ordeal. 🥰

I sincerely hope that all of you ladies have a SO in your life who loves and understands you on a deeper level, to the point that they take the time during a small window in their very busy day to surprise you with flowers (or whatever you like) when your rhubarb plans go awry.

Also, I didn’t think this post would be so long. Sorry (but I hope you enjoyed it!