Tips to satisfy family and keep my privacy?

So chances are, I’ll be induced by May 20th due to IUGR. Anywhere between 34-36 weeks. Currently 33w6d.

Both my family and my fiancé’s side are kinda... hovering to see what happens. I always imagined myself going into labor quietly and naturally, only letting our parents know we were going into the hospital, and then letting everyone else know after the birth. Yet now I have grandparents and aunts/uncles that I don’t even know very well keeping tabs on me (I’m speaking more of my fiancé’s side). How can I balance keeping everyone updated without having unwanted guests? If I had it my way, no one (besides my parents and his mom) would show up until a day after I gave birth. I don’t even know if she’ll go directly to NICU or anything 😞. It’s just too much to deal with. Due date was June 22