Am I pregnant..? 11 days late

Hello everyone,

So my period is typically semi-irregular like some days I have periods lasting a week or sometimes only 3 days. Also I never get cramps or anything..just a background story of who I am.

So I’m on the Nuva ring and have been for a year now and it’s been great. But I recently went out of town for 3 weeks and didn’t use it as directed. My last period was like March 30th-April 3rd. My boyfriend and I have unprotected sex all the time but I never let him ejaculate in me.

So during the time I was Misusing

The Nuva ring i was having unprotected sex but without him ejaculating in me. So when I was about 3 days late I took a pregnancy text it came back negative and I took another one after being 7 days late and it also came back negative. It’s now day 11 and I have another pregnancy test that I can take and I plan to take that in the morning. But should I be worried? Like could I actually be pregnant?

I haven’t changed my eating habits, I don’t think I’ve been stressed enough for it to effect my cycle and I’ve been back on my bc for weeks now and haven’t had any pregnancy symptoms.

I’ve been thinking about going to the doctor to get a blood draw test but idk if I’m just over reacting or not.

I’m 23 years old and I’m starting grad school soon so babies aren’t in the plans. Please give me your opinions