Finding a happy medium in parenting w your spouse

I'm looking for suggestions in agreeing and having open communication with your spouse after having a baby. How do you all make it work and avoid arguments when you disagree on parenting styles? What has worked and what hasn't? I'm a new mom, my son is 8 weeks old. I'm still on maternity leave and my husband is getting very jealous of the relationship I have with our baby. He smiles at me when I walk in a room, he hears my voice, etc and doesn't for my husband. However my husband also spends maybe 15 min a day holding him, changes maybe one diaper, and either feeds him none or maybe offers one bottle. He's quick to offer solutions to his crying outside of normal human contact, i.e. wants to stick him in a swing or rocker, whereas I will pick him up and rock him myself. Everytime I try to tell him what the baby seems to like/dislike or give him a recommendation based on what I experience with the baby all day, he gets defensive. I just don't know how to talk to him anymore without him feeling a need to defend himself. I understand we will not always agree but sometimes he's just down right wrong. When our baby was 3 weeks old he got mad at me for picking him up when he cries! Said I was teaching him he'd be picked up every time... I literally had to find studies online to prove to him babies this young need to be picked up to feel they can trust you and they can't just soothe themselves yet. Anyway, I'm hoping some seasoned parents have tips to effectively communicate with your spouse in parenting. I'm sure it will only get harder as baby gets older.