Expect the worst and hope for the best....


Has always been my motto for life. I’d rather expect the worst and not get my hopes up. With that being said, I totally had expectations of this Mother’s Day weekend being just like any other weekend. Nothing special. It’s my first Mother’s Day and I have a 10 month old daughter. I love my husband to death but he’s never been the best at gift giving (most men aren’t, right?). So I wasn’t expecting anything significant this weekend. Well let me tell you... I’ve had the best weekend of my motherhood life this weekend. Yesterday we went out to brunch in a cute little boho town off the lake and walked around and ended up purchasing a new house plant (is this adult life? You get excited for house plants... gah!). The weather was absolutely perfect. We went to a park and played with our daughter, we even stopped to watch a high school baseball game going on next to the park. In the evening, I baked homemade chocolate chip cookies and prepared a delicious Cajun pasta dish. Once my little girl went to sleep, we stayed up and watched a comedy on Netflix. This morning, my baby slept “in” till 8am (she usually wakes up at 6:30). My husband got me a card from my daughter and him that was so sweet and touching. My mom and dad purchased me an edible arrangement... I just wasn’t expecting any of this. I’m just so grateful. I hope everyone had a great Mother’s Day weekend because we all deserve it! I