Just a little insecure..

Me and my best friend are both 16 and we are very close. We have been best friends for over 10 years now and we love each other a lot. As we grew into our teen years, we became very different people. I’m the more scholarly one and she’s the pretty one. I have the brains but she is one of the hottest girls at the school. Everywhere we go guys hit on her and comment on her beauty, where as no guys do that for me. For example we went to a festival a few months ago and a guy approached us and instantly began flirting with her and told her she was hot. She looked over at me and trying to make me feel better said, “what about this girl?” and I just laughed and the guy said to me, “don’t worry ur not THAT bad” and walked away. Don’t get me wrong I’m not ashamed of myself at all I’m proud of my grades and I think I’m a decently good person but I still can’t help but be a little insecure and jealous of my best friend. 😕 Do any of you guys understand?