Should I go to the hospital?

Yaya • Ammar Salim 💙 5.13.19

i’ve been having contractions since the night before last night but they weren’t very painful and weren’t consistent enough to time. well yesterday morning I woke up for church and same thing but they weren’t a little more but I only felt it in my back and legs. throughout the morning they got more painful and were consistent enough to time and they started 6-7 minutes apart lasting 45 seconds, then consistently 9 minutes apart, then they got irregular again so I stopped timing.

(my water hasn’t broken, no mucus plug, no bloody show, btw.)

later last night I began having the contractions again and they got closer together but I didn’t time them because I was out. when I got home they got really painful. I started timing again. 9 mins apart.

I tried falling asleep but it was impossible. I tossed and turned and moaned all night, I tried sitting up which didn’t make much of a difference and i tried on my hands and knees with my butt in the air which helped SOME bit.

it’s 5:30am now and still with the same contractions. i’m nauseous and shaking with every contraction and it’s so hard to breathe through them. I have an appointment today but I just don’t think I can make it, i’d rather go to L&D.

*im 38+1 weeks*

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