Ovulation tests script reading


So I bought the easy at home ovulation scripts and did them for my April cycle. I think I was reading them wrong. I read that the second line has to be as dark or darker than the control line. My husband and I did every two days and then discussed that if we see the line darker than we will do everyday. We baby danced on CD12 and that’s pretty much it. He suffers from delayed ejaculation so we can’t do it as frequent:( anyways, did I ovulate CD13 and 14?? I’m not sure what the reading means and if it is an actual reading. Because I thought the line would get darker at 15 but it went away completely so I missed my ovulation ?????

Also, the <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">glow app</a> has been saying I ovulate on cd 15/16 but if this is right than that means I’ve been ovulating 3-4 days prior and that would explain the last 7 months struggle. And like I said my husband cannot baby dance every day. The most we can do is 2x weekly. Unless someone has suggestions to help us with that. Lol