I was told im very high risk for Trisomy 18 ( Edward's syndrome)

Alicia • BabyBoo 11/11/19👼 Loved by the best Daddy to be. Baby # 1

So this is my baby at 12w2d when I decided to opt for the prescreening genetic testing. I got a call a week later to say that I am at high risk for my baby to have Trisomy 18 and we need to do further testing. If you don't know what Trisomy 18 is it similar to down syndrome but the baby's organs feel so they almost always die or are stillbirths and only about 5 to 10% make it to their first birthday. I keep hearing this test is very accurate and then I see other things that say the test is not accurate has anybody else gone through this told that they were very high for Trisomy 18 it's different for trisomy 21 or actual Down syndrome but I want to know if anyone has gone through with this to find out their baby was just fine. This is our first child we've been trying for years my husband and I are terrified and the doctors are have me on cancellation list waiting for someone to cancel so I can get in so I'm just waiting and waiting any advice would be helpful. I will be 30 in a few months and I just want to know how many women have been in this situation it what was the Outlook of your situation. thanks

Edit: I was also taking Lyrica before I found out I was pregnant we were told we could not get pregnant and Lyrica does cause this type of thing so I'm extremely stressed out about it but trying not to be so thank you for responding