Irregular cycle


I came off my pill a year ago this month, as I didn’t bleed at all during the 9 months I was on and my cycle has been so irregular. Before I was on the pill, my cycles were regular and on time every month; the last week of every month for 5 days

I went to the doctors today and all they had to say was I may have to go back on the pill in the hope it regulates my cycle (which I don’t want to do) and they gave me a slip for a blood test to check my thyroid, full blood count and FSH LH which is to help diagnose problems with fertility, menstruation etc. I asked what else could be done if the test comes back clear and pill doesn’t work she said that’s life pretty much 😅 said they would only help if we decided to start for a family (I told her we are 🤷🏻‍♀️)and they’d look into my ovulation and what not.

Anyone else been told the same/different?