How do you stay motivated at work?

Hi Community,

First time mom here 👋🏻

I’ve been working for a startup the past 3.5 years. The environment is fast-paced, competitive and challenging. It’s everything that I love and that gets me motivated until now.

I’m 23 weeks pregnant and I find it incredibly hard to stay motivated. I already know that I will not return after my maternity leave and be a stay at home mom for the first year.

I love the people at my work and I feel so guilty about my lack of motivation. I feel like I’m letting people down not because I don’t do what is asked of me but because I simply don’t do more or asked for more. Doing what’s above your job description is normally pretty common at my job and 10-12 hour days are the norm. People work weekends constantly. I used to as well and again loved it.

At the same time I’m so afraid of being judged of my situation and kind of considered as being ‘checked out’ but then again, I can’t motivate myself to change.

Has anyone else dealt with this?

Does anyone have tips to regain motivation?

Is it ok to feel this way?

Would love to hear your thoughts.
