Yikes, oof, and RIP


So I’ve been messaging this girl on tumblr (yeah yeah, I know) for a while (since around Februaryish) and I’ve developed a lil bit of a crush :/ oops

Good news and bad news: good news, she is bisexual, and of a reasonable age ~ not creepy old or too young ~ and it kinda seems like she might like me (?) bad news: it’s. Really fuckin hard to tell 😂 idk if she’s just a nice person, but she’s incredibly sweet and affectionate, which is great and all, but I am a Useless Lesbian and idk if she means ILY, you’re so cute as in a friend way or a date-me way yknow? Also..... I just got out of a pretty nasty online/long-distance relationship about a month ago, and granted this girl is a much better person than previous girl, idk if I want to do that again.

Big oof.

I still really like her though.
