I just found out..


Ever since I had my first period at 12, I have been irregular. Now at 22, I’ve had enough with the games. Last year (2018) I had my period TWICE. It was finally time to go to the gynecologist for the first time. (I had been to doctors before who told me I was normal and to not worry) But when these periods arrived, they tore my soul into pieces and I could not control the pain mentally nor physically. So.. they did my first Pap smear. Tests were all negative. BUT. They wanted to do an ultrasound because some of my hormone levels were off. Two days later, I got the call. I have PCOS. First thing I did was google it, then found more info on Pinterest, I texted my friend, and then cried. I was scared shitless. This was back in March, and now it’s May. I just now had the courage to order the prescription they gave me for Provera because I’m too afraid to take actual birth control. And the worst part for me... the weight gain. I have always been 105 or less but in the last year, that went up to 120. I’m very self conscious about my belly area now and I cry myself to sleep because no matter how much I workout or eat healthy- it’s there. This may not sound like much to most people, but for me, it’s created this anxiety. Are other people going through this? 😭 This is still all so new.